.. _builders: ===================== Hieroglyph Builders ===================== In Sphinx parlance, a "builder" is an output target. Sphinx includes `several of its own`_, including ones for HTML pages, ePub documents, and PDF. .. _`several of its own`: http://sphinx-doc.org/builders.html Hieroglyph adds additional builders for generating slides. The builder's "name" must be given to the **-b** command-line option of :program:`sphinx-build` to select a builder. You may want to add one (or more) of the Hieroglyph builders to your ``Makefile`` to make it easier to run the Sphinx builder. For example, to add the ``slides`` builder to your Makefile, add the following target:: slides: $(SPHINXBUILD) -b slides $(ALLSPHINXOPTS) $(BUILDDIR)/slides @echo "Build finished. The HTML slides are in $(BUILDDIR)/slides." (Remember, makefiles are indented using tabs, not spaces.) .. automodule:: hieroglyph.builder .. autoclass:: SlideBuilder .. autoclass:: DirectorySlideBuilder .. autoclass:: InlineSlideBuilder .. autoclass:: DirectoryInlineSlideBuilder Abstract Builders ================= Hieroglyph also defines two abstract builders. These classes are not capable of building slides on their own, but encapsulate most of the slide-specific functionality. .. autoclass:: AbstractSlideBuilder :members: .. autoclass:: AbstractInlineSlideBuilder :members: