.. _hieroglyph-configuration: ======================= Configuration Options ======================= .. ifslides:: .. figure:: /_static/hieroglyphs.jpg :class: fill CC BY-SA http://www.flickr.com/photos/tamburix/2900909093/ .. ifnotslides:: Hieroglyph supports several configuration settings, which can be set in the project's `Sphinx configuration file`_. If you used ``sphinx-quickstart`` to begin your project, this will be ``conf.py`` in the project directory. .. _`Sphinx configuration file`: http://sphinx-doc.org/config.html Basic Configuration =================== .. confval:: autoslides Default: ``True`` When ``autoslides`` is True, Hieroglyph will generate slides from the document sections. If autoslides is set to False, only generate slides from the :rst:dir:`slide` directive. This can be overridden on a per-document basis using the :rst:dir:`slideconf` directive. .. confval:: slide_theme Default: ``slides`` The theme to use when generating slides. Hieroglyph includes two themes, ``slides`` and ``single-level``. This can be overridden on a per-document basis using the :rst:dir:`slideconf` directive. See :ref:`hieroglyph-themes` for more information. .. confval:: slide_levels Default: ``3`` Number of Sphinx section_ levels to convert to slides; note that the document title is level 1. Heading levels greater than slide levels will simply be treated as slide content. .. _section: http://sphinx-doc.org/rest.html#sections Slide Numbers ============= .. confval:: slide_numbers Default: ``False`` If set to ``True``, slide numbers will be added to the HTML output. Themes ====== .. confval:: slide_theme_options Default: ``{}`` Theme specific options as a ``dict``. See :ref:`custom-css` for more information. .. confval:: slide_theme_path Default: ``[]``. A list of paths to look for themes in. For more information on styling and themes, see :ref:`hieroglyph-themes`. .. _configuring-interlinking: Interlinking HTML Output ======================== :ref:`interlinking-html` can be enabled for slides, HTML, or both. .. confval:: slide_link_to_html Default: ``False`` Link from slides to HTML. .. confval:: slide_link_html_to_slides Default: ``False`` Link from HTML to slides. .. confval:: slide_link_html_sections_to_slides Default: ``False`` Link individual HTML sections to specific slides. .. ifnotslides:: Note that :confval:`slide_link_html_to_slides` must be enabled for this to have any effect. Relative Paths -------------- The slide/HTML interlinking needs to know how to find the slide and HTML output from the other side. There are two configuration parameters for this. They're configured to work with Sphinx and Hieroglyph's standard configuration (output in sub-directories of a common build directory) by default . .. confval:: slide_relative_path Relative path from HTML to slides; default: ``../slides/`` .. confval:: slide_html_relative_path Relative path from slides to HTML; default: ``../html/`` Additional Parameters --------------------- .. confval:: slide_html_slide_link_symbol Default: ยง Text used to link between HTML sections and slides. This text is appended to the headings, similar to the section links in HTML output.