Hieroglyph Builders§

In Sphinx parlance, a “builder” is an output target. Sphinx includes several of its own, including ones for HTML pages, ePub documents, and PDF. Hieroglyph adds two types of additional builders: slides and inline slides. Each supports building HTML documents or index.html documents in directories (useful if you prefer URLs without ”.html” in them).

Slide Builder§

The slide builders, slides, and dirslides, create slide show documents for each of the source files.

You may add one (or both) of the following targets to your Makefile to enabled one of these targets:

        $(SPHINXBUILD) -b slides $(ALLSPHINXOPTS) $(BUILDDIR)/slides
        @echo "Build finished. The HTML slides are in $(BUILDDIR)/slides."

        $(SPHINXBUILD) -b dirslides $(ALLSPHINXOPTS) $(BUILDDIR)/slides
        @echo "Build finished. The HTML slides are in $(BUILDDIR)/slides."

The output of these builders includes support for the slide table and presenter’s console. If autoslides is enabled, sections in the source files will be transformed into slides. If autoslides is not enabled, only content found in slide directives will be in the output.

See The slide directive for more information.

Inline Slide Builder§

The inline slide builders add support for the slide directive to the stock HTML builders, and add an additional stylesheet to the output for basic inline display.

You may add one (or both) of the following targets to your Makefile to enabled one of these targets:

        $(SPHINXBUILD) -b inlineslides $(ALLSPHINXOPTS) $(BUILDDIR)/slides
        @echo "Build finished. The HTML output is in $(BUILDDIR)/slides."

        $(SPHINXBUILD) -b dirinlineslides $(ALLSPHINXOPTS) $(BUILDDIR)/slides
        @echo "Build finished. The HTML output is in $(BUILDDIR)/slides."

When using one of the inline builders, autoslides functionality is disabled.

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