Styling Slides


  • Slides are contained in <article> elements
  • Each slide has an HTML id that corresponds to the permalink ID generated by Sphinx (for example, you’re currentling reading styling).
  • The heading level is added as a class; ie, level-2
  • Slides may be styled using a theme, or custom CSS.
  • You can enable slide numbers or a slide footer with configuration settings.

Included Themes

Hieroglyph includes two themes.


Two slides levels: the first level of headers become “section” headers, and the second become the real content.


Only one style of slide, every slide has a title at the top.

Setting the Theme

You can set your theme using the slide_theme configuration setting.

slide_theme = 'single-level'

If you’re using a custom theme, you can also set the directory to look in for themes:

slide_theme_path = '...'

Incremental slides

It’s common to have a slide with a list of items that are shown one at a time. Hieroglpyh supports this through the use of the build class. Let’s add a third slide to index.rst that incrementally displays a bulleted list.

Show Bullets Incrementally

.. rst-class:: build

- Adding the ``build`` class to a container
- To incrementally show its contents
- Remember that *Sphinx* maps the basic ``class`` directive to

Here the rst-class directive causes the next element to be built incrementally.

Displaying Images

You can include any image in a slide using the image directive. Just drop them in the _static directory in your project.

Hieroglyph also includes some support for showing an image as the full slide using the figure directive. For example, the Hieroglyph introductory slide deck uses the following markup:

.. figure:: /_static/hieroglyphs.jpg
   :class: fill


The caption (license information above) is styled as an overlay on the image.

Setting a Class on Slides

You can set the CSS class on a slide using the normal rst-class directive. (Sphinx remaps class to rst-class to avoid conflicts.) For example:

.. rst-class:: myclass

Slide Heading

The rst-class directive applies to the next following element (the heading Slide Heading in this example).

You can also set a default class on slides using the slide_classes option of the slideconf directive. Note that specifying an explicit class will override the slide_classes.

Included Styles

Hieroglyph includes some classes that for styling slides:

  • appear

    Case the slide to just appear, replacing the previous slide, instead of sliding from the right to left.

  • fade-in

    Causes the slide to quickly fade in and out, instead of sliding from the right to left.

Custom CSS

The standard Hieroglyph themes support adding a custom stylesheet with the slide_theme_options dict in

slide_theme_options = {'custom_css': 'custom.css'}

The custom CSS file should be located in the html_static_path (_static by default).

Adding Javascript

In addition to a custom CSS file, it is sometimes useful to include some custom Javascript for your slides. You can put this in your static directory (_static by default), and then reference it in the slide_theme_options dict in

slide_theme_options = {'custom_js': 'myslides.js'}

Creating Themes

Hieroglyph themes are based on Sphinx’s HTML themes. Themes are either a directory or zipfile, which contains a theme.conf file, templates you wish to override, and a static/ directory which contains images, CSS, etc.

When defining a slide theme, inherit from the slides theme for basic support. For example, the single-level them has the following theme.conf:

inherit = slides
stylesheet = single.css

custom_css =

In order to include the base slide styling, your theme’s stylesheet should begin with:

@import url(slides.css);

slides.css will be supplied by the base theme (slides).

See the Sphinx documentation for themes for more information.