============ Directives ============ .. rst:directive:: .. ifslides:: Include the directive contents in the output only when building slides. That is, when one of the :ref:`builders` is used. .. rst:directive:: .. ifnotslides:: Exclude the contents of the directive from output when building slides. That is, when one of the :ref:`builders` is used. .. note:: :rst:dir:`ifslides` and :rst:dir:`ifnotslides` were originally named ``slides`` and ``notslides``, respectively. They were renamed prior to the addition of the :rst:dir:`slide` directive, in order to be more explicit. The old names work, but will show a warning during the build process. Expect the old names to be removed in some future version. .. rst:directive:: .. slideconf:: Configure slide-related options for the current document. Some of the :ref:`hieroglyph-configuration` options can be overridden on a per document basis. The ``theme`` option, if present, will set the theme for document. See the :ref:`theme documentation ` for more information on themes. The ``autoslides`` option, if present, must be ``True`` or ``False``. If set to ``True``, slides will be generated from the document headings and contents. If ``autoslides`` is ``False``, slides will only be created with Sphinx encounters the :ref:`slide-directive`. The ``slide_classes`` option allows you to specify classes that will be added to slides by default. This allows you, for example, to add a class that applies some styling to the slides. Note that if a slide has an explicit class set (ie, with the :rst:dir:`rst-class` directive), the classes specified here *will not* be applied. See :ref:`document-configuration` for more information and examples. .. rst:directive:: .. slide:: title Create a slide in the document. The directive takes the slide title as its argument, and some optional settings for the slide. For example:: .. slide:: Example Slide :level: 2 This is an example slide. * Bullet 1 * Bullet 2 The ``level`` option, if present, will set the level of the slide, which is used for :ref:`styling slides `. By default, content contained in a ``slide`` directive will be excluded when building non-slide output. You can change this behavior by setting the ``inline-contents`` option to ``True``. When ``inline-contents`` is set to ``True``, the contents of the ``slide`` directive will be included in all output. The ``class`` option, if present, will add the given class to the slide output. The following example will set the class ``red-slide`` on the slide output, and include the slide content (the sentence and the bulleted listed, but not the title) in HTML output. :: .. slide:: Warning! :level: 2 :class: red-slide :inline-contents: True This error can occur when: * Microwaving metal * Leaving the gas on * Using a frayed electrical cord