Theme Features

Slides & Single Level

Displaying Images

You can include any image in a slide using the image directive. Just drop them in the _static directory in your project.

Hieroglyph also includes some support for showing an image as the full slide using the figure directive. For example, the Hieroglyph introductory slide deck uses the following markup:

.. figure:: /_static/hieroglyphs.jpg
   :class: fill


The caption (license information above) is styled as an overlay on the image.

Included Styles

Hieroglyph includes some classes that for styling slides:

  • appear

    Case the slide to just appear, replacing the previous slide, instead of sliding from the right to left.

  • fade-in

    Causes the slide to quickly fade in and out, instead of sliding from the right to left.


The slides2 theme was added in Hieroglyph 0.7, and as based on the Google I/O 2012+ HTML slide templates.

Theme Options

The slides2 theme requires presentation metadata in the file. You can specify one or more presenters; presenter information will be included on the title and end slides automatically.

slide_theme_options = {
    'presenters': [
            'name': 'The Author',
            'twitter': '@author',
            'www': '',
            'github': ''

In addition to the presenter metadata, the following options may be specified in slide_theme_options:


Default: ""

The presentation title will be taken from; if you would like to display a sub-title on the title slide, specify it here.


Default: true


Default: true


Default: true


Default: true


Default: ""

Title & End Slides

The title and end slides contain presentation metadata and links. Unlike the other slides, they are generated directly from template fragments. You can override these by providing a title_slide.html or end_slide.html template in the _templates directory of your project.

For example, title_slide.html with a full-bleed background image might look like this:

<slide class="title-slide segue nobackground fill"
       style="background-image: url(_static/insect_trap.jpg)">
  <hgroup class="auto-fadein">
    <h1 class="white" data-config-title><!-- populated from slide_config.json --></h1>
    <h2 data-config-subtitle><!-- populated from slide_config.json --></h2>
    <h2 data-config-presenter><!-- populated from slide_config.json --></h2>
  <footer class="source white">
    CC BY-NC-SA //


An end_slide.html template might look like this:

<slide class="thank-you-slide segue nobackground">
  <article class="flexbox vleft auto-fadein">
    <h2>Thank You!</h2>
  <p class="auto-fadein" data-config-contact>
    <!-- populated from slide_config.json -->

Displaying Images

Included Styles

Incremental Slides (Builds)

In addition to the common incremental slide support, the slides2 theme supports more granular builds. Items with the class build-item-x (where x is a number) will be incrementally display, in numerical order.

For example, you can show items from bottom to top on a slide:

.. rst-class:: build-item-3

This will be shown third

.. rst-class:: build-item-2

This will be shown second

.. rst-class:: build-item-1

This will be shown first

If multiple items have the same number, they will both be displayed at the same time.


build-item-*-only and build-item-*class-* are experimental and their behavior may change considerably as we learn more.

Items may also be displayed only at a specific index. That is, displayed, then hidden again. Appending the suffix -only to the build-item- class activates this behavior.