.. _builders: ===================== Hieroglyph Builders ===================== In Sphinx parlance, a "builder" is an output target. Sphinx includes several of its own, including ones for HTML pages, ePub documents, and PDF. Hieroglyph adds two types of additional builders: slides and inline slides. Each supports building HTML documents or ``index.html`` documents in directories (useful if you prefer URLs without ".html" in them). Slide Builder ============= The slide builders, ``slides``, and ``dirslides``, create slide show documents for each of the source files. You may add one (or both) of the following targets to your ``Makefile`` to enabled one of these targets:: slides: $(SPHINXBUILD) -b slides $(ALLSPHINXOPTS) $(BUILDDIR)/slides @echo "Build finished. The HTML slides are in $(BUILDDIR)/slides." dirslides: $(SPHINXBUILD) -b dirslides $(ALLSPHINXOPTS) $(BUILDDIR)/slides @echo "Build finished. The HTML slides are in $(BUILDDIR)/slides." The output of these builders includes support for the slide table and presenter's console. If ``autoslides`` is enabled, sections in the source files will be transformed into slides. If ``autoslides`` is not enabled, only content found in ``slide`` directives will be in the output. See :ref:`slide-directive` for more information. Inline Slide Builder ==================== The inline slide builders add support for the ``slide`` directive to the stock HTML builders, and add an additional stylesheet to the output for basic inline display. You may add one (or both) of the following targets to your ``Makefile`` to enabled one of these targets:: inlineslides: $(SPHINXBUILD) -b inlineslides $(ALLSPHINXOPTS) $(BUILDDIR)/slides @echo "Build finished. The HTML output is in $(BUILDDIR)/slides." dirinlineslides: $(SPHINXBUILD) -b dirinlineslides $(ALLSPHINXOPTS) $(BUILDDIR)/slides @echo "Build finished. The HTML output is in $(BUILDDIR)/slides." When using one of the inline builders, ``autoslides`` functionality is disabled.